Results achieved
- Class I relationship achieved
- Functional canine guidance on both sides
- Normal overjet and overbite achieved
- Deepbite improved
- Overjet improved
- Significant improvement of overbite
- Significant improvement of overjet
- Midlines coincident
- Proper axial inclination of incisors
- Curve of Spee leveled
- Arches aligned and coordinated
- Alignment of both arches through derotation
- Arch form improved
- Aesthetic smile line was achieved
- All treatment goals were achieved case
- Harmonic arches were achieved
Achieved the desired result by opting:
- Expansion of upper and lower arches.
- Extrusion of posteriors and intrusion of anteriors.
- Creating some additional space for decrowding via IPR.
- By using IPR overjet was also achieved to the desired angulation.
- In the additional aligners posterior occlusion was further achieved.
- Good smile esthetics were achieved via expansion tooth position.