Align Global Gallery

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Align Global Gallery?

The Align Global Gallery offers a forum for interested doctors to share their results from Invisalign® treatment, Invisalign Smile Architect™, iTero™ scanners, the Invisalign® Palatal Expander System, and the Invisalign™ Professional Whitening System*.

I’m used to the old Global Gallery; why did you change the platform?

We redesigned the Gallery to streamline and improve the user interface and submission workflows.

What happened to the data and functionality you offered in the old Gallery?

As part of our quality commitment and to ensure a positive customer experience, we are carefully testing the platform and user interface as we continue to expand functionality, content, and features.

I don’t recognize any faces on the Gallery; who are these people?

In some cases, we use proprietary AI technology to generate anonymized facial features as part of our overall commitment to patient privacy.

Who can I contact with questions about the new Gallery?

Please contact your regional Clinical Advisor or sales representative.

How do I submit one of my cases for consideration?

From the Gallery, select the ‘Submit a treatment’ button and follow the instruction manual.

What kinds of cases are accepted to the Gallery?

Our local and global review teams evaluate each submission based on several factors including photo quality, final result, and uniqueness. With over 7000 submitting doctors, unfortunately some submissions get rejected each year. 

Why is my published submission no longer in the Gallery?

We continually refresh Gallery content in our ongoing commitment to highlighting relevant treatments, new technologies, and innovative practice strategies. We periodically archive submissions to keep the system running smoothly and to balance overall content with a focus on our current product portfolio*. 

* Product availability varies by market. Please contact your sales representative with any questions about device and treatment availability in your market.

Click here to download the Align Global Gallery FAQ’s in a single document.


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